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  • Butterfly Valve - EPDM

Butterfly Valve - EPDM


  • Zinc plated iron shaft
  • EPDM
  • A-2/A-4 Stainless steel shaft optional


  • Ø DN Ref. K
    63 50 09626 125-145
    75 65 09627 125-145
    90 80 09628 146-160
    110 100 09629 178-190
    125 110 09630 190
    140 125 09631 210-216
    160 150 09632 235-241
    200/225 200 09633 292-298
    250 250 09634 350-362
    315 300 09635 400-432
    355 350 09494 420-491
    400 400 09636 515


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