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  • Jet Swim

Jet Swim

Technical Features

  • Bronze and acid proof stainless steel

  • Two models with 900 or 1300 l/min

  • Adjustable water flow

  • Adjustable jet streams

  • Adjustable setting of the air mixture

  • Polished stainless steel front

  • High-class motors

  • Jet Swim 2000

    An exclusive counter current unit with many different settings. With jet streams of 1300 l/ min it is easy for you to build up your strength and physical fitness. Start your Jet Swim by pressing a button on the front. The flow pattern is set by means of the adjustable jets to suit your personal needs. The air flow that is mixed with the jet streams, is adjusted by turning the air knob on the front. It is just as simple to adjust the water flow.


    Jet Swim 1200

    With a motor capacity of 2.2kW and jet stream of 900 l/min it is easy for you to train your swimming technique and build up your physical fitness. Start your Jet Swim by pressing a button on the front. The jet streams are varied in power by rotating the turnable front. Resistance can be changed in three different steps, two for the jet stream and one for the air mixture.

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